S5180 2-Port 18 GHz Analyzer Print this pagePrint this page
S5180 2-Port 18 GHz Analyzer
Price: USD27,995.00

  • Linear/logarithmic sweeps with multiple trace formats
  • Power sweeps
  • Time domain and gating conversion
  • Frequency offset mode
  • Fixture simulation (embedding/de-embedding)
  • 16 independent channels with up to 16 traces each
  • Markers with marker search tools and marker math, various conversion algorithms, and limit tests for pass/fail criteria, etc.
  • Test Automation programming in LabView, Python, MATLAB, .NET, etc.


S5180 2-Port 18 GHz Analyzer


The S5180 Vector Network Analyzer delivers lab grade performance in a compact package, with all the features engineers have come to expect included standard in our software.


This portable 3.8 kg/134 oz. vector network analyzer can be battery powered and used in the field, in the laboratory, and in production testing. The VNA can be integrated into a production test system via Manufacturing Test plug-in.


S5180 VNA includes an RF measurement module and S2 software application which runs on Windows or Linux operating system on a PC, laptop, tablet, or x86 board computer connecting to the measurement hardware via USB interface. S2 software can be installed on multiple computers, making it easy to share the use of the analyzer measurement module.

Specifications :

S Series Compact 18 GHz VNA Extended Specification Sheet

Applications of the S5180 include RF component design and testing, on-wafer probing, field testing, insertion loss measurement, distance to fault measurements, antenna matching, quality control, material measurements, and many others.


View our Applications page to see how CMT VNAs are already extending the reach of engineers in many industries and applications

Software/ Documentation :

The S5180 VNAs come with all the software features engineers have come to expect, at no additional cost. Standard software features include:

  • Linear/logarithmic sweeps with multiple trace formats
  • Power sweeps
  • Time domain and gating conversion
  • Frequency offset mode
  • Fixture simulation (embedding/de-embedding)
  • 16 independent channels with up to 16 traces each
  • Markers with marker search tools and marker math, various conversion algorithms, and limit tests for pass/fail criteria, etc.
  • Test Automation programming in LabView, Python, MATLAB, .NET, etc.

 CMT’s Manufacturing Test plugin is available to integrate the VNA into your production test system.


(S) Compact VNA Data Sheet  |  Extended Specification Sheet


S2 & S4 Programming Manual (COM)  |  S2 & S4 Programming Manual (SCPI)  |  S2 Operating Manual


S2 VNA Windows Software  |  S2 Windows Software Release Notes  |  S2 VNA Linux Software

Testing Automation

Programming Examples  |  Programming Guides  |  S2 LabVIEW Drivers


Automatic Fixture Removal (AFR)  |  Manufacturing Test